on education & technology
*Also included as recommended reading at Trends & Issues (12/5/22 episode at Flipboard).
(in articles on education and technology)
Pima CC Repurposes LMS as Innovative Conference Management Platform, by Rhea Kelly. Campus Technology. 05/16/22.
Pima Community College Gets National Award from Global Tech Company. BizTucson. 05/13/22.
UA to Host Statewide STEM Competition by La Monica Everett-Haynes. UA News. 04/24/13.
New Orleans Program Links Green Jobs, Youth Development, by Phil Taylor. The New York Times. 06/15/09.
Conservation Corps Provides Job Training for Underprivileged Young Adults, by Molly Reid. The Times Picayune. 02/22/09.
Making a Difference at Home, by Carolyn Kennedy. Time Magazine, p. 68. 09/10/07.
Flame of Altruism Burns, Even in U.S., by Dana Harman. Christian Science Monitor, p. 14. 10/23/03.